Meta-PokéBase Q&A
2 votes

I understand and respect the wall post limit. Just thought this might be a good idea.

agree,,, time to spam
Hah I need this LOL
Kinda confused on the phrasing of this question.
Do you want Mods/Eds/Experts to have more wall posts or for them to magically give a random user more posts?
I could see it being useful to let mods post more (assuming that's not already a privilege I was unaware of), and I assume that's what you mean.

Good idea I guess.
I think it’s Experts/Editors/Mods give more wall posts to other users, but I may be wrong about that.
Your Excellency, both
What would the benefit of it being as opposed to just upping the limit? Also i could be wrong but i remember there being some software limitation on wall posts?
Well, for mods it might make sense (in the unlikely scenario that they have to make a ton of posts to a bunch of users) but in general it seems pretty pointless TBH.

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