Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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Back in 2014, a similar question was asked. It didn’t really answer what I was asking though. I was wondering if I wanted to answer this question, would it be allowed? If so, what are other examples of when you can answer your own question. When can you not answer your own question?

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2 Answers

4 votes
Best answer

You're always allowed to answer your own question as long as the information is helpful or productive to the solution. Pretty sure there's no limit to the type of question, as long as it fits as an answer.

I can't remember where, but there's a post from a moderator that says it's even okay to ask a particularly helpful question if you have an answer available, since it can be helpful to other users. As long as you don't go crazy asking trivial things or something like "Where do you find Torkoal in Ruby" to intentionally get points, you're totally justified in answering your own question.
I couldn't find the post mentioned above, but I did find this older statement from Pokemaster.

A lot of people have this idea that it's only okay if your question goes weeks without being answered, but I'm pretty sure the only staff member to ever promote that mentality was Ninja, while most other mods are indifferent (although PM didn't refute what he said). I'm not saying to go around asking random, ridiculous things for points but if you have something important to add you should by all means ask it to get the answer out there. That question is totally fine to answer, since it's in the same realm as moveset questions.

Just don't ask any questions specifically to answer them for fun, and you're probably fine.

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Thank you! :)
I don't think you should have to wait for weeks to answer your own question, but perhaps a little bit of time, maybe at least a day or two.
0 votes

I guess it depends on how you present it, but normally I’d say no. If you wanted to give a “theory” as to what the answer could be, if it was short it would probably be put in the question itself.

However, if you had a long answer to your own question (though I don’t know why’d you ask it) you could theoretically answer it. It’s really a matter of how you present your answer but overall I don’t think answering your own question is really a good idea, or at least it doesn’t make much sense to do so.

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