Meta-PokéBase Q&A
5 votes

You know, sort of like an inbox, especially for users like me who have been here 9 years. Sometimes I get random necropost updates in that page only to see the comment already hidden. The most recent example of this would be this thread from 2013 being revived and sitting at the top of My Updates just because I made a comment on that answer 6 years ago. A certain LOLPIKACHU registered June 11 posted a comment that I can't see anyway.

The idea would be that I could have some sort of "X" symbol to acknowledge I've seen/read it and it'll clear it. My Updates sort of functions as a notification thing to me, but most other software with that capability I've used gives me the option to clear it. And for those who don't, I don't have to worry about ancient, irrelevant threads stuck at the top of my @'s.

I think you can easily do this already - just unfavorite the thread?
No, it’s that when you comment on an answer/question, if someone else comments on the same answer/the question, it’ll go on your updates page.
Yeah, is that not how they work? Then you’d see that you’re no longer interested in the thread, and you remove it from your favorites.
No, it’ll say your comment was followed by (blank).
MegaCharizardY knows exactly what I'm talking about. The threads aren't even favorited. They're just ancient history that I participated in.
How does this help, exactly, sumwun? This is all-encompassing so I can remove the old threads from my updates in case the comment is ruled acceptable somehow. I think it'd be better to choose what I do or don't see.

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