Meta-PokéBase Q&A
12 votes

Just as I was late making this post for PokeBase's fifth birthday, I am late making it for PokeBase's tenth birthday... oh well! Let's celebrate it nonetheless.

Three days ago on the 17th of April, this community began its second decade of history. That feels insane to think about. Plenty of online forums never make it that far, so it's an absolute credit to you guys and Pokemaster that we're still kicking after all this time.

Back when we started, the newest Pokemon games were HeartGold and SoulSilver, and the National Pokedex topped out at 493 species. Ten years and four generations later, there are so many Pokemon that the developers couldn't include them all in the latest games. And yet, this platform is still largely as it was all those years ago.

Here's to everybody who's played a part in PokeBase over the last decade. I could spend forever reminiscing about all the people who've come and gone, and all the memories we made. All of it is incredibly dear to me, and I hope you have fond memories of it too, no matter how long you've been around for. Let's make it just as special for the next ten!

As a bit of fun, I'm going to share with you an ancient relic of the past: my PokeBase account page from way back in November 2010, which was originally named 'Pokestar'. Hopefully, that contextualises just how old this place is! (I am filthy that my childhood self was unable to spell the word 'reckon', lmao.)


Hi. Also gg pokebase, nobody has coughed on it yet
literally, i was thinking of who will make the 10th anniversary post on meta lol
Happy Birthday PokéBase! I've been here since 2017, originally named Pokémon Guy. It's amazing how far everyone has come.
Yes (same as above). Also, my Bday is coming up in 5 days. :D
yay hooray celebrate for party yay

1 Answer

11 votes

Happy birthday to us!

I have to give you and all the other mods/editors/experts a huge shout out for the brilliant effort you put in keeping this place running smoothly. Without you all the Q&A would honestly be pretty bad. (Yes I will sort out the promotions shortly :D)

Hope everyone is doing well during the pandemic. Stay safe!
