Meta-PokéBase Q&A
7 votes

Sorry for the delay... It's time for a new name-change period!

Pokemon Name Rater

If you would like to change your username, you can do so very soon. As usual this thread is open for a few days before the names can be changed, to give everyone time to see they are coming. You may also wish to post an answer asking for others' opinions on possible names you're considering.

Username changes will open Friday 4th October and close Sunday 6th.

Username restrictions:

  • The maximum number of characters for usernames is 20. This includes all letters, numbers, symbols and spaces.
  • Due to technical restrictions these 3 characters cannot be used: @ + /
  • Usernames may not contain 'Pokemaster' or any profanity in them.
  • Invisible characters (e.g. zero-width spaces) are not allowed. Regular spaces are fine.

You will keep the username you choose for another six months, so ensure that the name you choose is one that you like!

You can update your username by going to your user page and clicking "Edit my account" (direct link shortcut).

If you change your name, please post an answer below with both your old name and new name, so other members know who has changed. Thanks!

Name changes are now closed.

closed with the note: done
closed by

9 Answers

6 votes

Eponyta ---> Epple Pie

I'm hungry.

3 votes


3 votes

Finchwidget → Felix

Hi Felix
finch widget more like winch fidget amirite
Hi taco
2 votes

Glitched Porygon -----> Lucky Ranno
(The name I now go by everywhere.)

2 votes

BlackAce --> stall_fest

thank you sumwun for the idea

2 votes

Multivee = Multi + Eevee

Sorry for the weak attempt. Just saw this last minute, but I feel that it'll work.

Type: Normal/-
Ability: Wonderguard
HP: 065
Att: 110
Def: 065
S.A: 060
S.D.: 130
Spd: 095


Pwr: 100
Acc: 90
 P.P.: 10

NOR = 1x
FIR = (1/08)x
WAT = (1/02)x
ELE = (1/02)x
GRA =  (1/02)x
ICE = 1x
FIG = 2x
POI = (1/02)x
GRO = 0x [8x]
FLY = 2x
PSY = 1x
BUG = 1x
ROC = 1x
GHO = 0x [2x]
DRA = (1/04)x
DAR = 0x [1x]
STE = (1/16)x
FAI = (1/02)x

Desc: Receives STAB from any of the types it uses.
User fires balls of multi-colored energy at the opponent and has a 20% chance of paralyzing, burning, freezing, or confusing the target - i.e. a 5% chance of each status condition.
Fire type Pokémon, those with the ability Water Veil or those behind a Substitute cannot be burned.
Electric type Pokémon, those with the ability Limber or those behind a Substitute cannot be paralyzed.
Ice type Pokémon, those with the ability Magma Armor or those behind a Substitute cannot be frozen.
Pokémon with the ability Own Tempo or those behind a Substitute cannot be confused.
1 vote

The joke will finally come to an end.
Primal Gordon --------> Marvelous Metroid

(The name I now go by everywhere.)

EDIT: I decided that I will be Galarian Ponyta, kinda like how I was "Alolan Vulpix".

edited by
1 vote

ForretressExplosion ---> OR

Are you going to change your name? I'll be closing the name changes soon.
1 vote

Time Master Dialga --> Mister Doctor

Hehe :P

Dr. Who?
Who am I to judge?