Meta-PokéBase Q&A
6 votes

On this thread, you can share your Discord name so other people recognise you on the platform. You can find your name in the bottom-left corner of the UI.

Adding your username to the list is one way to get the Verified role on the PokeBase Discord server. This will allow you to post in the PokeBase Discord server. To get verified fastest, post your name here then join the server, in that order. Please send us a message if you think we missed you (>1 day without change).

If you don't want to make your name public, send Fizz a message on Discord after joining the server; he will DM you a random word to post to your wall/profile so we know it's really you. (It's also good enough to specify your Discord name and number on your profile page -- anything that makes us sure it's you.)

To keep this thread from showing up as much, post your name and number as a comment instead of an answer. A grey button in the bottom-right of this post will let you do this.

If you change your username, you'll keep your Verified role if it was assigned already (though you may still want to update your post here to make sure others know who you are). If you leave the server, you will need to be given the role again; again, let us know if it looks like we missed you.

Please don't write an introduction on this thread, to limit clutter. You can do that in the server.

edited by
I am zythor3120
Discord is possiblylexa
im a silly tatsugiri
I am thechasingcasper on discord

2 Answers

2 votes
Best answer

Make sure to post your username and tag as a comment instead of an answer, as it will help this thread clog the navigation less. Feel free to post it on the original thread, or on this answer.

Please don't write an introduction on this thread, to limit clutter. You can do that in the server.

edited by
Mine is Tendo/
Discord username is: artificiary
name: Amun
nickname/tag: amunsr
12 votes

Just bumping this to say my username is DisgruntledGoat.

Everyone else continue to do the comment thing on the other answer :)

Name: Gage

Discord Tag: sephiroth720

Just joined the discord. Thanks
Name: Pierrot

discord tag: xpierrotx
Name: HeartlessGrave

Tag: heartfullatea