Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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So, most of us know 5 flags hide a question. But people flag the 5th time, even if the question isn't doing anything against the rules. And you might have seen me commeting on some questions: "Please don't flag this 5 times, since it deserves to be closed" or something. So I think it would be easyer that we could close a question and write something there like: "flag and close", and fifth "flag and hide (only do this when it's an offensive post).

That's all!

In recent days, I've rarely seen things flagged more that twice per question. :P

1 Answer

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Best answer

The point of closing something is so we can give a reason to why it was closed, allowing the asker to see the explanation and understood why we've closed it and why its not allowed. If something gets auto closed, then it wouldn't have a reason per se, defeating the entire point of closing at all.

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