Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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I’ve been reading a lot of walls but i stopped bcuz their really long why is that

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You mean walls or about me's?
SInce we like to chat with each other. Like I have 69 or something like that
> You mean walls or about me's? - SeeYaLater!

2 Answers

1 vote
Best answer

Many people talk to each other using walls. We can't always rely on the chat room, since the person we want total to might not be on, se we leave a message on their wall. Trust me, you will soon have a huge wall like many people on this site

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Ok I get it now. I might make a long wall too sometime Xd
Wiat, you meant walls right? Not about me's? Cuz if you meant about me's my answer is wrong
0 votes

Oh,OK, so I read your about me and you called you about me your wall. You wall is what people post on, and your about me is information about the person. People on this site have long about me's for IDK. Maabye we are all geeky/weird and write geeky/weird stuff on our walls. Most people just write random stuff, more like a blog post. People just like talking about themselves I guess.

Please don’t post multiple answers. Just edit your existing one if you want to add more.