Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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Recently (about a month ago), we've been introduced to Meltan and (about a week ago) Melmetal. We've seen their Heights, Weights, and BMIs pop-up not too far from their reveal dates, but not so much for their stats/abilities/etc. I'm just inquiring about how long it takes for their stats and such to be displayed on their respective Pokédex pages.

Their stats haven’t been officially released by Game Freak or available in a game for dataminers, so right now, there’s no possible way to know their stats. I suspect we’ll figure out a day or two after LGPE release.
So, in general, a Pokémon's stats won't be known until the release of the games they're featured in?
Yeah, unless Game Freak screws up like what they did for SM, where they had every new Pokémon’s stats in the demo, so dataminers got the info a week before the games even launched.
I have a feeling that’s why they’re only having the LGPE demo available at public events, rather than having a downloadable one like SM was.

1 Answer

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When Pokemon are officially announced by TPCi, their species name (eg Hex Nut Pokemon) and height/weight are also given. See the official site here. Their type and ability is usually given (though Meltan/Melmetal don’t have an ability at the moment since there are none in LGPE).

Things like stats and full learnsets are never officially given, even after release. The official sites may have a bar chart giving a guide to stats but they never have the exact numbers. Those are found by dataminers when the game releases (or inevitably gets leaked a week or so prior to release). So in theory we may know the stats any time between Nov 5th and 16th.

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