Meta-PokéBase Q&A
–4 votes

You ask a question, you don't get help because it might be an opinion question. Answer could have been it's matter of opinion and what things should be considered. But no, flagging begins, no one takes youre question serious. I call that a horrible service. Wish I could get my question back, even though I dont need it anymore, but because there was nothing wrong with it. If you ask which nature, or what EVs to train for an individual that has x nature or stuff. This site doesn't serve players, because after all, in many cases it takes a lot of arguments to explain why something goes some way and it still might not be the best way in certain situations.

As an aside, if you would like detailed explanations of why threads are removed (or to appeal their removal), you're welcome to request them through this page:

1 Answer

0 votes

Edit from a day later: I misinterpreted how you edited the question later on, so I'll have to apologise for some of the answer below being inaccurate. If you want to repost the thread with a more direct title, I'm happy for you to do that. The answer below stands for the original question as it were. (Open disclosure, I'm not the person who dealt with the thread originally.)

Sorry if you are not finding this site useful: but there are explanations for everything you have mentioned in this post. Assuming you're posting in reference to this question, I really want to stress this part of the rules page:

PokeBase is not a traditional forum - questions should be answerable, not discussed endlessly.

This is also detailed later under 'no polls or opinion questions'. In short, threads here should not lend themselves to open discussion -- they should be grounded in objectivity for the most part, and should have a clear and agreeable end solution. This is the underlying purpose of a Q&A site.

The reason your question was removed was that it crosses the line of what can be allowed under the framework above. While you can present the differences between US and UM in an answer, ultimately the response is going to be making a value judgement of which version exclusives you like better. There's not going to be an agreed end solution to a thread like this, so the bottom line is that it doesn't fit on a Q&A site.

The response you got on your question was an effort to get more detail from you, so the question could be answered objectively. Again, I apologise if you think this is nitpicking, but if you want to post threads like this, PokeBase is probably not the place. If that makes our service bad, so be it: it was never part of its intent.

edited by
But his question was which combination of those games that would allow him to catch the most different pokemon? I don’t see how that isn’t answerable.
This is the exact wording on the thread: ‘Benefit means avaibality of different Pokemon between Moon and the version I should buy.’
I honestly don’t see how that narrows it down. If this means to list which Pokémon are available on each and make a judgement of which is better, it’s still an endless discussion due to the latter clause.
I can understand why you hid it but I don't agree with you.

I assume that the reason that he wants to be able to catch as many different pokemon as possible is because he wants to complete the pokedex. From that perspective this question is definitely answerable since some of the version exclusives are the same. It's not a question about "which pokemon game has the best pokemon?". It is totally understandable that you would want to find out which game combination would allow you to catch different pokemon and not get duplicates of legendaries for example.
The user who asked the question was asked to better define what they exactly mean by benefit and what they wanted out of an answer and they didn't elaborate. And not because they didn't see it either, they later commentated on the answer.

And the given answer literally starts with 'we can't really answer that'. That's not a good indication of an objective answer.

If they were asking about which version is better to fill a pokedex, then they did not state it directly after being asked  to. If they wanted to know which game is better or if getting newer versions is worth it, these are subjective, and anything close objective answer comes down to 'not really there's a few new things that you couldn't get before but otherwise it' the same'.
@Jofly Just realised it means Moon not Ultra Moon, I see what you're getting at now. I guess serves me right for talking about a mod decision I didn't make.
Though this whole situation testifies to the difficulty of getting the actual question out of that thread. If OP wants to re-post it with a clearer title, I have no qualms but I think it's for the better the original one stays down.
Sorry that I assumed that you were the one who hid it. I also didn't mean to come off as annoying and I can see why the question was hidden.