Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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He kicked 6 times for 10 min but the one who got kicked returned after 10 min. Why did that happen?

I think each time a kick is administered, it just sets the timer back to 10 minutes instead of adding that time onto what is already there. So it's impossible to have a kick that is longer than 10 minutes basically.
You could technically increase the time kicked from the chat room by kicking the user immediately after they come back after being kicked

1 Answer

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Best answer

Taken directly from my post on Molthree's wall:

When I press the button to kick someone, a little popup appears that's basically for confirmation of the kick. If I click the button and press enter really fast a bunch of times, the message will pop up a bunch of times because it takes a bit after a user is kicked until they're forced out of chat.

Before a user is forced out of chat, you can kick them more than once. The kick is still for ten minutes, though. I needed to make sure that thecrapper5 didn't insult my minecraft skills ever again.

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you better watch urself