Meta-PokéBase Q&A
6 votes

It would be a thread only PokéMaster can post answers in. It wouldn't notify users about major updates for the site, it would just tell people about minor updates that are hard to notice. It would be a link on the home-page of this site in the "gray welcoming box". (an example of the type of stuff that will go in this thread: You can now use "Markdown" in the chat room, on wall posts, and on comments). If this question is to be closed because of all the other site update threads (which are just this potential thread cut into pieces. These pieces are more like places to report outdated stuff but nobody knows when PokéMaster actually fixes these errors. When PokéMaster does fix these errors, it can be posted in my thread that it has been done), could there at least be a box on the home-page that has links to all these threads that are pieces of this one?

Azelfeo edit: sumwun: It doesn't need to be a thread. It can be a completely separate webpage, like the about/contact page or the puzzles page.
But whatever it is, I think changelogs are useful and every site should probably have one.

edited by
I can see this as useful, since I didn't even know Pokémaster added what moves are called in different languages.
It doesn't need to be a thread. It can be a completely separate webpage, like the about/contact page or the puzzles page.
But whatever it is, I think changelogs are useful and every site should probably have one.
Okay. <space>

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