Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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I've re-read the rules and pressed every button but I can't tell if there's an option to view all your past questions that you've asked. I mean, without having to remember what they were and individually look them up. I know you can see the number of questions you've asked if you scroll down to the bottom of your profile. I was hoping that number would be hyper-linked or something but it doesn't look like it. I apologize if it's right in front of my face but I am on a mobile device and just don't see anything. I could have sworn I've done it before, unless I was just looking at my updates on a day I asked a few questions. Anyway, a "my questions" tab linking to each person's previously asked questions would be very helpful, if that's actually not an option. Thank you.

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2 Answers

2 votes
Best answer

Yep. Go to your user page and look for the grey buttons beneath the coloured navigation bar. You will see an option that says 'All questions', which is exactly what you're looking for. Alternatively:

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noooo, I got sniped. Damn it!
Thanks guys, both great answers. It really was right in front of me. How annoying. I just knew if I can't look up my asked questions, I'll never remember the answers. It's an easy site to navigate for the most part, I'll reference Pokémondb before a lot of other sites for that reason. That little tab was just able to elude me for some reason.
2 votes

All your questions are stored in your profile. It's 5 links after "User SeeYaLater", it's called all questions. (Which brings you here, so you can click on it because it's a link. and then you should go here) And next to it is also all answers.

That's all!

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