Meta-PokéBase Q&A
1 vote

I understand that Pokemaster could be banned by trachy because trachy made a meta post about it, but I wanted to find out what would happen if Pokemaster went rogue, like GLIGURR? Can he just change the rules whenever he wants? I mean if he was willing to abuse his powers he could ban everyone for no reason

I mean, he can do anything. He can vandalize profiles, questions, answers, make wall posts under the disguise of other users, turn them against each other, or even sellout our emails to spambots or something. This is his site, no one else has full control except him. We call him Arceus as a joke, but when you think about it, he's actually the god of this website.

There really isn't any reason for him to do this though. He's not some psychopath to have just built up and grow this website and its community for years just to make it crumble. Plus I don't think he would waste his time toying with users, he seems pretty busy all the time, just coming back to the site in short bursts in the Meta section every now and then.
It's not like banning him is going to help. If he really starts abusing this site, I think the best thing we can do is download this entire site and upload it on a different site.

1 Answer

10 votes
Best answer

No, I couldn't be banned from my own site :) I have control of all the code etc behind the site so I can change the database to make me unbanned.

As for if I went rogue... well no there would be no stopping me!! But it would be kind of pointless to trash my own site lol. Unless I could convince people to pay me not to ban them mwahaha!

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So... like a subscription fee?
u monster! ^_^

didn't u state earlier you had a backdoor access that rendered any form of banning useless?
I would happily pay you not to ban me...

In pence of course!
Pokemaster is just trying to cover up the fact that he's easily vulnerable and I'll be ready to overthrow him at any minute.
All in favor of the DarkTyphlosion revolution?
NAah, he is never active.

Do me instead