Meta-PokéBase Q&A
14 votes

This question's title certainly did not read 'How can someone abuse power on this site?' originally, and was assuredly not changed by Fizz who, in his infinite wisdom, would never dare such a heinous crime.

Fixed a slight spelling error.

So I still consider myself relatively new to this site and I'm making an effort to learn everything about it I can, because I respect it since I've used it for years before joining. Apparently some experts/mods got banned at some point for abusing their power. I was wondering just how an expert or mod could abuse power, like what classifies it as abuse? Is there a specific criteria?

edited by
I asked the original question. Why does it say I asked this one? Not sure what the joke here is, either. After Fizz answered I said I had heard about GLIGURR and asked my question to see if it ever happened again, then said I was debating whether or not to take it down because it was sort of dumb. I didn't see it later so I figured someone took it down for me, which was nice. Is there something I'm missing? Someone please explain... Wait, is the joke that Fizz just edited it to look like this? If so, that's hilarious!
yes, it is that Fizz edited it, but then PX edited it, etc. This is the same question you asked.

That is why Gekky said to keep this edit :P
The joke was that he ironically abused his power
Haha! That's amazing!

1 Answer

12 votes
Best answer

There, I abused my power.

No seriously, there aren't any parameters for what constitutes auth abuse... though perhaps there should be because trachy's presence is abusive to my feelings.

I'm sorry for doing this again.

Theoretically there's a lot you could do with some imagination. But hopefully you trust us. :D

Checking to see if I get banned for doing this. If I do, you know the answer :P

selected by
Lol I love this.
Is this no easy getting points is now
You could ban people for no reason, you could silently edit things into anything you want, and can hide things for no reason. Pretty easy to abuse that power
Yes, but I am sure PM or the other mods will catch on...
Had to.
If I were ā mod or anything like that where you couldn't see me oh ho ho I wouldn't abuse per say but I would have a secret sign you know it would be a Goat hunt my sign that I would work into everybody elses q's & a's would be..... look for it in the comment lol.
Best answer I have ever seen.
I feel bad that people up-voted this because of how funny your joke was and I got points for it...