Meta-PokéBase Q&A
6 votes

Well, The mascot is Scizor now. It were Electabuzz and Scyther before. When PM updated the site, he removed Electabuzz and evolved the Scyther by trading Scizor with Metal Coat. Wear your Mega Ring, Let the Scizor hold Scizorite and Mega evolve.
Mega-Scizor is cool. So Mega evolve the Mascot Scizor to Mega-Scizor?

Could've sworn it was Dhelmise and not Trevenant
Mega Scizor is my mascot. :P
It was Dhelmise.
Yeah Dhelmise.
Ya, and Poipole.

1 Answer

4 votes
Best answer

As the site has just been redesigned, you have your answer now - I stuck with regular Scizor :)

Actually I did try Mega-Scizor and it didn't look too bad. But I have a soft spot for regular Scizor and felt it looked better.

BTW to the commenters: we've have multiple Halloween designs over the years. The latest was Dhelmise and Poipole but an older one had Trevenant. See the bottom of our new page with our past designs.

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Noticed that you invited the Mythical Gen-7 Pokémon, Zeraora, to be on your current banner. Nice!