Meta-PokéBase Q&A
6 votes

I don't know about the main page for pikachu (though that would be a little awesome), but in the sprite gallery at least can there be some sprites in the sprite gallery for the ash cap pikachus. They are not gen specific pokemon (not exclusive to one gen like the cosplay pikachus). And these pikachus are technically (in game) completely seperate pokemon formes (due to pikanium z not working on it) so can the sprites be in the sprite gallery?

Also Ashpikanium Z working on it :P
But I don't see why not...
Pokemaster might not have gotten around to it yet.
Bumping this thread up. This needs to happen.
Yep. (insert random words in here to allow me to post this comment)
Just put (filler) so you don't type that much.

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