Meta-PokéBase Q&A
2 votes

When you go to a Pokemon's page, there is a little snippet of information at the top. Generally, it's just the Generation it was introduced, as well as it's type, and if it has a mega evolution or not. Sometimes, it's evolutionary stage is also present. (Example: evolved from...)

HOWEVER, there are some pages (very few) were there is additional information.
such as and

There are some pages where A LOT of extra information is added, such as and

So, is there some reason for this? Most of these things you can find out by reading the other sections of the page. If it's meant to be a summary, then why is it only on a few Pokemon?
(this is what the pages normally look like:

This has actually bugged me for a while (longer than I've been registered), because it seems a little like favoritism. (Which I'm Fine, but still)

Why are some pages like that?

i'd be glad to contribute.
Same .
Yeah if we did this again with a thread instead of a google doc it’d be more successful I think. It would appreciate being bumped up constantly. No reason why we can’t do both either.
Let's do it, then?
sounds cool. we could also include more info [like etymology and interesting facts/info about what it is based off of (like Alolan Dugtrio's hair being based off of Pelee's glass)].

1 Answer

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The first sentence is automatically generated. As you can see it all follows the same format, "$name is a $type type Pokémon introduced in Generation $gen" etc.

For the newer Pokemon (Gen 6-7), I took some bits of text from the official site/press releases. TPCi started adding longer descriptions, which presumably the Pokedex entries are taken from as they are similar.

However, a while back I also started writing custom descriptions. I asked people on here for help with writing them but I have yet to get around to adding them. I still have the document somewhere and will do it eventually! I wrote the Scizor one as an example, and I also wrote some custom stuff for older Pokemon that have changed type like Mr Mime.

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Cool. Works with me.