Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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Pokémon Database (DB) has been around since 2008. The thought occurred to me when looking at the banner for this site. Just curious as to why Scizor is the mascot of PokéBase.

because Pokemaster likes it.
Didn't it used to be Scyther?
Yep, it used to be Scyther and Electabuzz, but it was changed in 2013.
The Scyther evolved. Unfortunately it's pride in the spotlight made Electrivire want to quit. Electrivire found an electric company after that idk.

Also last Halloween Scizor called in sick and this anchor pokemon took its place for a while.

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The original design used to have Scyther and Electivire. Scyther was always one of my favourites since Gen 1. I did like Electabuzz, but it and Electivire were not favourites - it was mainly chosen because it fitted in well with the design and made it more colourful (green Scyther + yellow Electivire + blue text).

Scizor is also a favourite, so when I redesigned the site I “evolved” the mascot to be Scizor. (There wasn’t room for any other Pokemon in the new header.)

There is also a funny coincidence someone pointed out to me recently. The first anime episode in which Scizor appears, one of the characters is making a “Pokemon Database”. I don’t really watch the anime so I couldn’t have taken it from there (and Scizor came later anyway).

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Cool, I think Scizor can Mega evolve as well. Just an idea for you, PM. Thank you.
What a nice Coincidence.
That is a pretty cool story!