Meta-PokéBase Q&A
0 votes

Was looking for a way to print all the pokemon's for my children - and found this site - seemed perfect - but printing ignores the figures - tried several browsers but all the same result.

Maybe there's something wrong with your printer? Or maybe you should try saving the web page as a PDF and then printing that, or try taking a bunch of screenshots, edit them into a big .png file, and printing that.
This was seen in the print preview and when saved to pdf - so never tried to actually print - and I tried safari + chrome on mac os, edge in win10 and firefox + ie in win7, so I'm pretty sure it's something with the web site.
Clearing flags, unless someone wants to explain something I’m missing this fits in fine here.
(And don’t mind me converting the above post to a comment OP, has nothing to do with this.)

1 Answer

1 vote

Just found the answer in the related question

The graphics is rendered as a background picture - this can be enabled in the print dialog


Happy New Year!
