Meta-PokéBase Q&A
0 votes

Just wondering.

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1 Answer

2 votes

You can click the green arrows above and below the vote count you see on each post. The one on the top submits an up-vote, and the one on the bottom submits a down-vote.

However, you need a certain amount of points to vote. If you don’t have enough, the arrows will be greyed out, which is perhaps why you’re asking this question. These are the current requirements:

SECTION           UP-VOTE         DOWN-VOTE
Main section      30              80
Meta              30              60
RMT               30              60

Since you start with 20 points and you get 10 for receiving one up-vote, voting up shouldn’t be too hard to reach. Voting down requires a stronger reputation though.

But how am I supposed to get points if it takes a pretty long time for my questions to get approved and I can't up vote people even if I like their question or answer
You can get points easily if you’re detailed and helpful in your posts — you can stand out if you give more than just a couple lines of brief info. Answers also tend to get move votes than questions, so that may be helpful to you.
Fair enough that the time it takes to have the post approved won’t help visibility, but it hardly makes getting 30 points difficult. You’ll also skip the spam filter once you reach 30 in the section you’re in, so this won’t be a regular thing.
Unfortunately restricting votes this way is the only way we can stop people exploiting the feature, e.g. making a new account and voting their own posts instantly. Once you’re through all the early systems, things should be pretty smooth.
If you like their answer, you can click the little green check mark at the top-left of their answer to select them as Best Answer, and you don't need points to do that. You can only do these in your own questions though.