Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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370 views Sorry about the recent spam of Meta questions. I was reading the "Please check your question was not asked already" and a third of it was my questions.

It's a bunch of HTML code.

1 Answer

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It's called a Rich Site Summary, or as it's usually known, an RSS feed. The page takes content from PokeBase and restructures it as an XML file. (XML files are very similar to HTML files which is why it may look familiar.) You can then pass on the link to the XML file to an RSS feed reader, which lets you add feeds from different websites and access them all together on one page. It's like a way to keep updated with a bunch of different sites at once, without actually having to access each one.

This page has a list of RSS feed readers that you can use, if you like. There is also this page which will probably explain this better than I did.

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I just found it on the Meta Homepage. I don't know if it should be there or not.
It should be there I think. I don't think there would be a better spot to put it, it should be somewhere on the page if people want to add it to a feed.