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5 votes

Does this break a rule? Please don't question my curiosity.

haha +1 I wanna know too
What do you mean "peaked"? Someone could've gotten as high as 1400 and yet still call it a peak. Unless if you're talking about #1 on ladder.
First, by "peaked", as in being the top player on a ladder. Second, I HAVEN'T HEARD FROM YOU IN SO LONG!
1) Try the older staff members in the community. They might have peaked before.  2) It isn't that hard to find me. You can always find me on Showdown laddering monotype.
I peaked top ten in Monotype many times
Tazzie (I think that was his name?) was #1 in LC briefly, and a majority of the old players (Mew, Lusty, Aeternis etc. had some pretty high ratings too (100ish region if memory serves me right) in their preferred tiers.

Correct me if I got any of this wrong, it's been a long time.

Also Mike sucks.
I was top player in the Gen 7 LC ladder when it was literally just released, if that counts (I did stay there for a while versus some good players). I wish I could lay claim to more than that but I hate laddering so I never tried to peak. I used to be good though I swear!
I was top 50 (don't remember exactly what number) in early X/Y, #3 (briefly) in early ORAS and peaked #27 in early S/M. Those are all OU singles. Oh, and #7 in early ORAS Ubers.
I can finally say that I'm top 12 on Monotype leaderboard
not bad
I was 6th in random battles once
Idk tbh

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