Meta-PokéBase Q&A
–15 votes

How are we supposed to know your website didn't copy the my pokedex app hmm? And since when were you allowed to say that in the app itself hmm? You do not have the right to keep this website running if you don't give a legal AWNSER to why you can say it's a scam in the app. My pokedex

What are you talking about? What app? There can be plenty of Pokedex apps and websites, so why do you think this is plagiarizing yours? Also have you read this:

Have you considered the fact that this site has been here since 2008?
If you have legal options you should probably email the Administrator directly on the given email rather than posting here.
This site looks nothing like that app lol. There are like a hundred apps that all do the same thing. You could literally say that the app copied or some other Pokemon data site/app. Not to mention that app hasn't even been around as long as this site, so if it was very similar to this site that would mean... it copied this one. Which I'm not saying is true, I'm just saying that your logic could go either way.
@Sapph he is referring to this app:
Which is clearly ripped from pokemondb.
If only I can Downvote. This question is by far, PokemonDB's most pathetic question ever. Also watch for Caps.

What I'm wondering is where this person got so much confidence that this site was illegal.
These are some pretty tough questions hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

1 Answer

28 votes
Best answer

How are we supposed to know your website didn't copy the my pokedex app hmm?

Is this a serious question? Maybe you should think about what you're saying. If this website is copying the app, how would I be able to add messages to the app?

As GeekyJawa said, this website has been around since 2008. That's before the App Store even existed, let alone being years before this dex app was created. (You can verify this from many sources, for example look up in the Wayback Machine.)

And since when were you allowed to say that in the app itself hmm?

I'm "allowed" to say it's a scam because they are literally loading this website so I can put whatever I like on there.

That app is loading this website, removing the site header (you can even see it appear then flash away), removing our adverts, and replacing them with their own awful popup ads. By doing this they are using my bandwidth and costing me money - taking the years of hard work I've put into this site and making money off it.

You do not have the right to keep this website running if you don't give a legal AWNSER to why you can say it's a scam in the app.

lolno. I have the right to put whatever I want on my website. I don't have to answer anything... but hopefully the above helps clear up your misunderstanding. I'm happy to answer any more questions you have.

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I thought you already put in some software that causes apps to say "This app is a scam." or something like that. Is it still a problem?
I like the effort and sass put into this answer. Btw Pokemaster my computer says that the "Wayback Machine" May be Malware and is Not Secure.
Clearly you traveled back in time to create this site based off the future app My Pokedex.