Meta-PokéBase Q&A
12 votes

I'll cut to the chase. The DB Showdown server has been up continuously without updates for one half of a year. That's far too much considering Gen 7 has come already and DB hasn't updated. I'm fully aware that Pokemaster is busy most of the time and it's understandable.

This leads me to my question. It's fair to say that the server needs updates. Since I'm active on the server almost every day and have basic knowledge on updating PS servers, I (Desokoro on PS!) could be of service. I do have a few DB-site frequenters who'll vouch for me. I also am aware of repositories with more functional content for the DB server to use. Considering the vast majority of the former staff have left the PS server if not the site all together, I among others feel that we should have another person with access to update & restart the server. I'm capable and willing to be that person.

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Agreed, the server has been pretty dead due to the lack of updates - Gen 7 can't even be played, forcing people onto other servers.

Deso (spbman) has owned servers in the past (and owns one right now in fact) and has the ability to bring the server to an updated state (Gen 7, more functionality in terms of minigames, etc). We could even have a bot, which could help with off hours when staff aren't available.

PM, I know you're busy, a response would be well appreciated.
Seconded -- I stopped using the server altogether a long time ago for these exact reasons. I'd be at least be prepared to have it running in the background if we could start having it updated regularly. The server is a really great tool for the community in general and it would be a shame if it was left in this state.
Aaaaayyyyyyy Deso! This is thirded by yours truly. Not that it matters, but for what it's worth, as a non mod (and not one of the older guys) who found this dude's server, I can vouch 100% for this guy here. His own server looks amazing, and whatever little time I spend on the DB Server, he's there. That's one dedicated AF dude, and mad props. He is a worthy successor to what Sciz (and Ninja?) built :D

And if both Mew AND fizz say it, it's def. worth a shot, imo
Also guys, Sciz just randomly dropped outta nowhere yesterday. This is a sign o.0
Sciz is such a butt to comment and just leave. On topic, I can vouch for Desokoro to do server things.
Again, an old server user vouching for Deso.
I realise that I don't even like or use the server, I can still vouch for Desokoro's trustworthiness and reliability. The server would be in safe hands.
I agree that something has to be done with the server. I do not believe we can get it back to what it used to be, but I'm vouching for Deso because I think that will head us in the right direction.

1 Answer

2 votes

Really sorry for the long delays. I've just updated to the latest version, so let me know if there are any problems.

In terms of what to do in the future, I will see if there's a way to auto-update so it always stays on the current version. It's not easy though as there are sometimes technical problems (like just now, when I updated it didn't work because I needed to upgrade the version of NodeJS running on the server).

Use the forever module so an admin (~) can use /lockdown and /kill to restart the server automatically instead of completely ending it. For updates, you could delegate someone to assist you with it. I'm willing to but you could choose anyone competent enough to do it.