I might just add my thoughts because I'm bored.
Rowlet: ___ + owlet
Dartrix: dart + tricks (it is the Blade Quill Pokemon fyi)
Litten: lit + kitten
Torracat: とら + cat (Japanese means 'tiger')
Brionne: brine + ____
Pikipek: pecking onomatopoeia
Gumshoos: gum shoes, as in gum boots etc. Or gum tree + shoes I don't know
Grubbin: grub + ____
Charjabug: charge + bug (it's an electric type)
Vikavolt: ____ + volt (electric type)
Bruxish: brux + fish (bruxing is to grind one's teeth)
Togedemaru: とげ + まる (translation: thorn + round)
Bewear: bear + beware (it's name is literally a pun I'm so proud)
Bounsweet: bountiful + sweet (bountiful means generous, etc.)
Oricorio: ドリ + choreography? (the Japanese comes from the Pokemon's Japanese name, I can't translate it.)
Morelull: spore + lull (although more might be a common term in mycology i dunno)
Crabrawler: crab + brawler
Jangmo-o: this probably comes from some dinosaur idk
Type: Null: type: null
Tapu Koko: according to reddit, tapu means forbidden (origination of taboo) and koko can mean blood. That doesn't sound like a very nice name though whoops.
Also am I allowed to complain about how much I hate Yungoos and Gumshoos' names. The Pokemon are so cool but their names are so dumb.