Meta-PokéBase Q&A
0 votes
  1. I can't find my question on here. I tried looking for it on the unanswered questions page, on the questions page and even on my activity; and there's not even a single question. What happened?
  2. How can I make my own tags?
  3. How come I can't post on my own wall? It said I "don't have permission to do this" What does this mean and how can I "get permission" to do it?

2 Answers

1 vote
Best answer
  1. To be able to most without having your post approved, you must have 25 or more points.
  2. To be able to create your own tags, you must have 500 or more points.
  3. To be able to post on walls, you need 30 or more points. As to why you cannot post on your own wall without any points, I'm not sure.

You can learn more about privileges here.

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2 votes

Mega Septile's answer is mostly accurate, but I thought some extra detail might be helpful to you.

With regards to the question you posted, I am unsure of what you are referring to here. If you're asking about the other two questions that you posted on this section, those were waiting for a moderator's or editor's approval before they were shown to public. You can learn more about this "approval process" in the answer I posted to another question here, but simply put, staff members check and approve posts from new users to verify that they're not spam, not duplicate questions and don't break major rules. You can bypass the system in any given section once you reach 25 points in it; see this post for more info on how you can reach that.

Questions that are waiting for approval don't show up in activity feeds, because they aren't public for anyone. Those questions you posted are now public, as they were approved, so you will see them on your activity feed and in question lists in the site. If you'd like to see a list of your posts -- hidden or public -- and any replies or notable activity to do with them, you can do that with the "My Updates" pages that you can access beside the search bar.

Creating tags is a special privilege for users with a certain amount of points, so that they aren't abused by new users. The exact amount is either 100 or 500; there are conflicting numbers on different threads. However, there is a wealth of existing tags already available, so I would imagine that there would be at least one that would categorise your post appropriately so that you wouldn't need to make your own.

Wall posting is another privilege you can earn with points. It used to be available from the beginning, but it was abused by spam accounts, so you'll need to have at least 30 points to be able to post on walls. The message that says that you "don't have permission" to post on walls means nothing except that you have insufficient points to post on walls. The ability to post on your own wall from the beginning has been suggested multiple times, so we may see it added at some point in the future :)
