Meta-PokéBase Q&A
2 votes

I'm not entirely sure how tab complete (nor the chat's code tbh) works, so this is just as much curiosity as a suggestion. But Tab complete would make our lives on chat much easier. if it's possible and not too much work could this possibly be done? Thanks either way.

edited by
What does tab complete do, exactly? Google just confused me. it's been suggested before, let's see what PM says this time.
On many chat rooms tab complete is used to finish words or names for you. If I were to type Sp while you were in chat and I pressed tab complete it would finish it to Spook for me. This is how it works on Showdown too.
Okay, I knew that then :3
Btw "implicate" means to be involved in a crime… I believe you meant implement :3

1 Answer

0 votes

It's still on my todo list, like VV's link says. I'm sure I'll get around to it eventually!
