Meta-PokéBase Q&A
4 votes

I suggested this a few years ago, but now it's even easier with Pokedex Pro around to help us with all the Pokemon from Kanto to Unova (the Kalos dex is quite empty, we should probably fill in the rest of the information before we add pronunciation), so my suggestion: we add them to enrich the Pokedex pages even more.

As in dictionary style pronunciation or audio files?
The official pronunciation of Pokemon is ambiguous among official sources. The Pokemon Handbooks and the anime usually clash, like Ar-kee-us vs. Ar-see-us. Although multiple pronunciations wouldn't hurt I guess. I would love to hear Pokemaster speak...
Ahh Pokémon pronunciations, we meet again.
Idnigo, concerning Arceus it is officially pronounced Ar-KEE-us, despite Pokemon Battle Revolution's announcer saying Ar-CEE-us
According to the cite, the "Arc-" of "Arceus" comes from "archaic", so it should be AR-kee-us or ar-KEE-us.
How about Rayquaza the guy in the trailer said rae-kwae-za but a lot of people say rae-kwa-za
There is no official name pronunciation for any Pokemon, so I'd doubt they'd do that unless they do a 'Most Common Pronunciation,' which I'd doubt they'd do as well.
At that point I think it's just cultural differences. In Japan it's pronounced Po-kay-mon, but in North America everyone I've met calls it Po-kee-mon or Po-kuh-mon.
@DA830 "Rayquaza" is supposed to come from "quasar", so the latter pronunciation should be more accurate.
@Spook "Pokemon" comes from "pocket", so it should be PAW-keh-mon.
Island comes from land but u don't say i-LAND instead it's more like i-lend (the phonetic upside down e which is not in my keyboard).
Pokémon therefore doesnt essentially need to sound like pocket, and i think po-kuh-mon is more accurate, at least according to the anime

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