Meta-PokéBase Q&A
3 votes

I think that this would be a great idea. On each Dex Page, there would be 5-6 lines about the Pokemon, it's strength and weaknesses, what it is usually used for, etc.

There could be a Reservation Index, where you can reserve the Pokemon you want to do. Then you have 3-5 days to complete it, and send it to the Quality Team, who check the competitive side of the team (i.e: have they explained about the Pokemon's viability? Did they miss out some important details?). Once is has been verified, it can go to the Grammar team, who check the grammatical side of the evaluation (commas, spelling, etc).

I don't believe it would be hard to manage, and I'm fine with being in charge / supervising this idea! This resource would be helpful for newcomers. Here is how they would look like, except with much more detail!:

Users that continuously contributed to the Evaluation Resource, by writing up summaries, could get recognised for their hard work, by being added to the Quality Team, and users that continuously examine these explanations can be added to the Grammar Team.

I believe that this would be a great idea for the site, as it would benefit a lot of people!

Something just like this actually went ahead a few years ago, but it died out after a while since there wasn't enough interest.
Well, I'm sure it wouldn't hurt to try again! n_n
I don't think so. This site is mainly for the fact information of Pokemon, and while it does have a lot of information regarding competitive battling, it's not mainly focused on that. If you want evaluations, there's always Smogon. I think this was suggested, but turned down by Pokemaster.
The big problem with competitive battling is that it changes constantly, and is highly relative. Since the metas changes constantly keeping it up to date would be a mastodontal task, and competitive battling is just to subjective to work properly.
We are (hopefully) having a slightly higher competitive focus, and an evaluation/comparing element will exist. But they'll be in the scope of smaller posts or articles rather than straight site information written and edited by a specific band of users. The difference being they can be edited, changed, added to and replace whenever we need and aren't reliant on the bossman having to do anything (as good as an administrator he is he isn't the most active or consistent).

Without meaning to advertise myself, if you want to have a part in the project hit me up on my wall.
Isn't that what Smogon is for?
Doesn't mean we can't have our own personalised version.

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