Meta-PokéBase Q&A
7 votes

I've been noticing people send out some suggestions for the site (some good, some unnecessary), and people dissing them by saying they are "low priority". Now, it's not that I don't see their usefullness/uselessness, but it sure makes me wonder: "If we can refuse somethings low priority, surely we must have higher priorities."

What exactly do we have planned for the site? What are the top priorities as of now? Do we even have those planned?

Note: This is a genuine query on my side, I don't mean to come off as offensive here. Regardless of whether we even have priorities or not, it's not affecting my views on this site. But seriously, I really feel the need to be kept in the loop about what is going on behind the scenes here.

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I think that from PM's standpoint the high priorities are those that increase site traffic (he does make money from this site y'know) and those that are highly requested.

From the community standpoint the higher priorities would be those that increase overall active and contributive site members and those that would increase the overall enjoyment of the daily experience.

While these two standpoints generally overlap it's not guaranteed.  Regardless, I think it's sensible to say that if a  suggestion meets enough of these criteria it should be considered over suggestions that don't fit as well.  That's one reason why it's encouraged to upvote good suggestions on meta. Suggestions with more upvotes tend to either be more necessary or more wanted by the community, and thus should logically dealt with first before say, a small error on an obscure Pokemon page or complaints about name change periods.
Why won't he EVER change nightmare from special to status?! It's really annoying me!
@PX that is not really what I meant by priorities...those don't really hinder PM from making small amends to the site, such as updating the glossary, location guide, etc. He must have... well... 'higher priorities' to cater to. The glossary got immense amounts of votes but it's still considered low priority.

Unless of course PM thinks he has made this site picture-perfect, which is also fine. But I kinda doubt it, and I would prefer having PM confirm it if so.
PM is busy, insanely busy. This is a hobby for him , but yeah Im curious what the priorities are

1 Answer

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Best answer

I've never really thought about "priorities" as such, so if others say something is "low priority" they are not officially speaking for me (although they are usually about right!)

Really I have only one rule: to make the best Pokemon site for information about the games. But if I had to tie down some priorities, I'd say it goes like this:

High Priority: Anything that breaks the site completely, like pages not loading or any major error. Also whenever a new game comes out, I try to get the key information on the site asap (new Pokemon, moves etc). In other words, this is the stuff that I make time for.

Medium Priority: Any incorrect information, like Nightmare saying "Special" instead of "Status" :D (BTW I just fixed this). I try to fix things from the minor errors thread or errors that are emailed to me as often as I can, but life/work tends to get in the way.

Low Priority: New additions that are not mentioned above. Generally, anything that doesn't make the site worse by not having it. Stuff from here I'll typically do when I can find the time, or if I'm in the mood for it.

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But saying that nightmare is status does break the entire site. It obviously should be special.
I see.
Sorry for troubling you over this, and thanks for solving my query :D

(btw we'd love to see that positive mood swing every once-in-a-while too xD)