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I just wanted to write up a brief post reminding some people of what's appropriate and what's not to post on people's walls. For a while now I've noticed clutter on people's walls, which often comprises of spammy, immature or simply annoying messages which become quite disruptive. I want to briefly go through exactly what I think should stop on walls. I'm sure a lot of people know what I'm talking about.

The first thing that still appears occasionally despite posts that've already been made about it is copy-paste text art. I'm going to be blatant with this: it's spam and it should not happen. It is less of an issue now than it was a while ago, but I still want to make mention of it so that it's clear that it shouldn't start again. I understand it's just a bit of fun and that's fine, but I think it would be appreciated if they could be taken somewhere that won't disrupt people who aren't involved.

The other type of disruptive and annoying post is one I've seen more recently. People are taking advantage of an issue in the program where using run-on text with no breaks will cause the page to stretch and load awkwardly. This has become incredibly annoying, and is something I will start warning people for doing. Once again, take your silly jokes somewhere else please.

Lastly, I want to discuss some of the silly and immature posts I've seen people making. I can understand how this could possibly come down to the site's comparatively low age demographic, but please: you all know better. One example I have noticed particularly often is some of the messages people post welcoming new users. It's great people are doing this, but posts like the one below likely make people feel more unwelcome than anything.

Soviet Rassia velcomes zshew!!!
1 day ago by Mega Pikazard X

I understand people like to use walls as a more social, laid back communication option, which is perfectly fine. But please make an effort try to limit yourself from making posts that may be disruptive or annoying to onlookers.

Thanks for your attention :)

The wall-stretching thing is especially annoying. I agree with everything in this. Personally I don't mind the text art and silly comments made on my wall, but it is important for people to use their discretion when posting on others' walls, especially those of new users or users they don't know really well.
Those messages with no breaks make my mobile go berserk. Although text-art (as long as not spammed) is fine by me, that welcome message would've frightened and confused me if I were new.
welcoming users is fun. it's become a competition for me: i'll welcome more users before you do! i only ever say "welcome to the site", and it annoys me when i see users welcoming others in that kind of fashion :/

i like wall art when it's done on rare occasion (long live the trick master!), and not always the same person. if i'm on someone's wall and i'm scrolling through 3 or 4  of them at a time, it's super annoying. people should just delete it all after some time, or at least delete most of them so their wall isn't as cluttered.

wall stretching pisses me off and it tends to confuse me.
Wall art, when pulled off at the right time, is awesome. That's... All I have to say

Immature messages are... Well, many things, none of them good. I'm actually confused as to why stuff like this is being posted. No joke, I  am younger than most of the users doing this.

Run-on text is evil and I see no circumstance where it should be used.
"Hi Sumwun"
I think welcoming users to the site is pretty unnecessary, unless I'm just a really sour person.
But wall art is nice when it's not for spamming purposes.
the way i see it, welcoming new users (in the right way) makes them feel welcome and so makes it more likely that they'll become frequent users.

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