Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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Credit for the idea goes to Arewefreshyet.
>I'm not necessarily talking about huge guides and in depth tactics, just things to bring people up to speed competitively. Smogon has a habit of guiding people in specific areas within tiers within usability within tactics. These are very useful and informative...if that guide is exactly what you need to know, which often it isn't. Smogon doesn't have many guides on, say, how to predict, or why certain types of Pokemon are used over others, or why two pokemon of the same type often isn't a good idea, or why some Pokemon are used more often than others. Things that we assume any player knows when often they don't. We can do this easily.

He didn't want to ask it himself, and Doctor Disco let me do it.
Anyway, I've seen some posts on RMT. They're terrible. They force me to spend up to 15 minutes writing an answer explaining why they shouldn't do what they did. Why can't we just do it once and get it over with? Here are some things that are important for competitors that many noobs don't get:

Avoid using mixed attackers unless you really know what you're doing because you can boost your Pokemon's power more by pooling EVs into one attack stat and either speed or HP.
If you aren't using a mixed attacker, it's almost always a good idea to go according to the Pokemon's higher attack stat. In other words, don't use physical Blissey.
2-turn moves are almost always not viable as they offer a free switch.
It's usually a bad idea to have two attacks of the same type. You only have so many slots for coverage moves.
Try not to have too many Pokemon with similar typing or stat spreads. This can cause one foe to easily sweep your team.
Normal attacks don't cover any weaknesses. Try not to use them unless you get STAB.
Do not give leftovers to Pokemon that aren't bulky. 1/16 of their HP per turn helps them much less than the times 1.3 boost from life orb, times 1.5 boost from choice items, or times 1.5 speed boost from choice scarf.
Please suggest more in comments. The guide should also include the most recognized format for movesets.

If this does go into effect, make a rule saying that people should read this guide before posting on RMT.

EDIT: I made something on Pastebin that I think the guide should look like.

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Well there is that one guide to competitive in the... Pokébase iirc
I would make it an FAQ. Those ideas just wouldn't flow well as a paragraphed guide.
Or a do's and don't's thing.
Gotta love your do's and your don't's.
It would have to be a guide imo. Obviously the guide would have an archetype theme and details like what demat said would be included within those archetypes. Basic Prediction, Why pokemon are in certain tiers, assessing threat level, targeting teams, supporting teammates. Anything that a good battler does without thinking, passing it off as 'general knowledge' or experience. I'd be happy to write one of these myself (my theorying was always better than my actual skill), just need the OK.
Maybe a section on items. Like not spamming items on multiple Pokémon, which items go on which Pokémon.
An idea hit me btw. The RMT's practical name is Battle Subway after all, right? If we managed to get permission from PM, FAQs can be posted there.

If he ever sees this and replies that is. :<
Imo the RMT is bad because it takes me 15 minutes to legibly reformat the darn things. Either way, it needs a clean-up real bad.
No offence Demat, but I dislike your guide a bit. You've missed the point. We're taking small points that we assume people know but don't and fully explaining them. You just glossed over that and wrote a small paragraph for a number of points. One or two points per guide. I can write my own example this weekend if you don't understand what I mean.
Sure. All I want is the best way to stop people from asking stupid questions with stupid teams.
I have numerous problems with this:
1. Demat, you're really an awful battler and honestly aren't qualified to be giving anyone advice, much less trying to write up a whole guide. Sorry.
2. This isn't even a guide. This is just a compilation of some common knowledge. This doesn't tell anyone how to go about making a team. Also, some of your advice is incredibly dumb, such as not using mixed attackers. Good mixed attackers can provide sweeping power (see Greninja in OU)

And this is the biggest problem:
3. Your reasoning for creating this "guide" is to stop people from posting stupid things on RMT. This wouldn't stop anyone from posting a bad team. We have rules, but those don't stop people from posting half-completed teams or ingame teams. Even if it did stop people from posting bad teams, that means that RMT would be pretty much completely dead. RMT has always been people posting mediocre teams with the occasional decent team once a month or so. Making blanket statements like "Don't use mixed attackers" or "Don't give Leftovers to frail Pokémon"  and putting that together and calling them a "guide" doesn't accomplish anything. It only defeats the purpose of RMT. This doesn't help anyone get better or even rate anyone's team. The only way to revive RMT is to give it a complete overhaul.

TL;DR: You took a legitimately decent suggestion for helping the community and made it into a totally ridiculous post. There was almost no thought put into this and honestly seems like an attempt to get some upvotes.

Sorry if you thought this was rude, just trying to be honest and realistic.
Isn't the entire point of having an RMT to help the people who "ask stupid questions" and put up "stupid teams" not be, well, stupid? A guide would be nice, but the Battle Subway is supposed to be a place to help newcomers improve. The advice give via comment/answer is already a huge help, provided it comes from a valid battler.
How do you know I suck at battling?
@Doctor Disco see what I mean by "everyone on our Showdown! server calls me 'demat'"?
Yeh, I see it now ^.^
In terms of the guide, I will write my own version soon, but my glasses broke (qq) so I have been bascially without sight for a while and for the next few days/weeks.

About the RMT, posting medicore or 'bad' teams is perfectly fine. I dislike it when the post is totally nonsensical or obviously breaks the rules, but a 'bad' team is fine, that's the point of the section. I don't know demat's reason for these guides but my reason is to bring the lesser battlers to a good level so they can converse and play with the rest of us and bring the community together in general along with a new way to boost site activity doing it. I think this is a decent reason.

sumwun's not an 'awful' battler, not at all. He knows the fundamentals and basic teambuilding and prediction - a lot more than most of the RMT section right now. I'm not sure he's qualified for these guides though (sorry).
Like I said, these are just prototypes. I want people who are better than me to write the guides for the entire RMT.
Sorry for being late as hell, I've had way more work than I thought I would for school. I'll have a post concerning this topic again sometime this week (possibly tomorrow/wednesday), that's a promise.
Skipper, by now I'm beginning to think you don't even know demat's current username now xD
By the way is there anyway I can help too? Not at the moment, but sometime in the future?
Thanks again for posting that thread.

1 Answer

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It's in the works/pending/might happen. Here's the proposition and sample articles by Fresh.

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I could have waited for Fresh himself to answer, but I'll select yours.
I wasn't going to answer so w/e