Meta-PokéBase Q&A
1 vote

Question2Answer fatal error:
Could not send email confirmation

Stack trace:

require() in index.php:27
require() in qa-index.php:183
qa_get_request_content() in qa-page.php:819
require() in qa-page.php:203
qa_send_new_confirm() in confirm.php:50

I wish I knew what this meant, tried waiting, every browser I know of (that is not an exaggeration, I tried on 7 browsers) but alas to no avail. help would be appreciated.

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oh my gosh, this is STILL a problem? why is everybody having this issue :/
This is a known issue that seems to affect everyone. I don't think there is a way for users to fix it, unfortunately. We'll have to wait for Pokemaster to fix the problem.

1 Answer

0 votes

Really sorry for the delay with this. I commented on the original question about this and completely missed all the other posts (I've been flat-out with a big project at work and have had 0 time).

Finally looked into it and it should now be fixed. Thanks for your patience!

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