Meta-PokéBase Q&A
1 vote

So, I click on "My Updates". Then it shows a whole array of questions that I have no connection to. Usually it will only show questions I commented/answered/asked, right? So is this supposed to happen, or is it some kind of glitch?
EDIT: This only happens for Pokebase.

A few screenshots
Have you favorited any of those users/questions? Activity from other users when favorited shows up in the "My Updates" section. If this is the case tell me and I'll answer :)
Also, if you have any users selected as favourites, their activity will also appear in the tab you were viewing.
Oh thanks! I just remembered that yes, I do have some favourites. Thanks!

1 Answer

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Best answer

There are two types of updates:

  1. Updates to your content - this is answers to your question, comment replies and so on.
  2. Updates to your favourites - this is any activity on favourited questions, or questions in favourited tags, or by favourited users.

By default the page shows a mix of both types but you can click the sub menu to see "my content" only if you wish. You can see your favourites here, you will probably see why some questions are showing up.

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Explains a lot. Thanks!