Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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As clearly seen here.

It has to do with spacing
or... something
I think it's because there is a limit to how many characters can be put in one chat post, since the dots are so small, they reach the max character limit without creating a new line.
But this probably isn't the answer...
No because I'm pretty sure the character limit on chat is 8000 like everywhere else, if there is one. Certainly no one's ever hit it.
^ Challenge accepted >:D
it's certainly not 8000. I've hit the limit, it's only a few thousand
could it be because there are no spaces? I've seen long links go out of bounds of a chat post, probably because there are no spaces

1 Answer

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Best answer

I don't know the exact reason, I think it's just the web browser decides to move stuff to the next line sometimes.

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