Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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Emulators are not necessarily hacks or unofficial games. The ones I want to ask about are for the main Pokémon games. Are question about emulators allowed on the PokéBase, or are they treated like ROMs and hacks and therefore not allowed?

I would assume though, as long as the emulator is exactly like the game
I'm 99% sure that they are not. Emulators are in fact unofficial, and even though people set some rules to them they are still illegal in Nintendo's eyes.

Emulators run ROMs, and since ROMs are not allowed I'm not sure why emulators would :x
I am 99 %  sure it is allowed because roms are official games but played in computer or tabs.

Roms are official games and rom hacks are unofficial games.

Roms and rom hacks are 2 different things.
"No ROM questions: If you are using a ROM and something weird happens (e.g. a Pokemon appears where it shouldn't) then it's almost certainly a glitch with the Emulator/ROM. Like above, if it's not an official game played on a real system, it's not our concern. Don't ask where to find ROMs, and don't link others to ROMs. They are illegal."

Says the site's rule page :P guess that leaves no room for argument.
I'd say no.
I mean playing an official game  (e.g. LeafGreen) on an emulator. The question is if there are any good / reliable emulators out there. Ijust wanted to know if it would get taken down or not.
The rules say that if it's not a official game played on a real system, it's none of our concern... So I guess not, unfortunately.

1 Answer

0 votes

This is just a really dumb question. If you're playing an emulator of a regular game and ask about a glitch or something, that's obviously not allowed. If you're playing an emulator and want to know where something is or have a legitimate question about the game itself, then there's really no need to tell anyone that you're playing an emulator and if it is included in the question, Experts can just edit that out. If it is something like Leaf Green, the emulator should be exactly the same as the real game, meaning that asking questions about the game itself is okay, but asking about the emulator is not.

That answers that, then. Seraph already helped me out anyways. Thanks man o3o
Oh sorry didn't know you  were already helped.