Meta-PokéBase Q&A
11 votes

Hey guys, there has recently been talk of ways to bring new life to the PokemonDB server. One suggestion that arose was bringing back community tournaments. However, unlike most suggestions, this is not specifically for Pokemaster or mods. This is for all of you, the rest of the DB community. If any of you would be interested in participating in a tournament against other DB members hosted on the server, please leave a comment showing your support or suggesting a tier. Commenting does not mean you're obligated to participate in any possible future tourneys, just a way of judging whether or not this would be successful. Thanks!

The first tournament will begin after all the bugs on the server have been exterminated, and a new bot has been implemented. Please vote for your preferred choice here, and follow what is stated in the poll. Multiple votes are allowed in case you want to support another option as well.

Please do not vote unless you plan on participating in any tournaments. It ruins the purpose of the poll.

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Doubles has always been too fast paced for me. LONG LIVE NU!!!
You guys think we can do at least two tours per month?
It depends on how many people are going to be participating, but if there are enough participants, two per month isn't unrealistic especially if at least one is a straight up tier like OU or something because most people already have teams for those tiers.
Bring back gen 5 tourneys or I'll ask my dad (his name is Zarel btw) to ddos such an incompetent server.
OU would be great

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