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I ran a small test and apparently the word f****ed isn't.

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lol whats even the point of this post now?
users are just commenting how to avoid the censor .-.
The censor is extremely easy to avoid (examples: wor/d, wordd, word*, wôrd, wor d) so it wouldnt make sense to censor everything because users would just find a way to avoid it
You can still get kicked and whatever for censor evading.
I'm tempted to write "Of course it isn't censored" as the answer right now :x
yeah. demat, this wasn't exactly the smartest question you could've asked...

1 Answer

1 vote
Best answer

>"Of course it isn't censored"

>none of the swears in past tense are
or plural for that matter.
it's just a thing

Better Answer: Yes, as per your "small test", that word is not censored.
It most likely never will be censored either, because variants of censored words are of too many kinds. Censoring every one of them is not feasible. That's why we have mods and editors to kick out anyone using them.

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Yep, I've done it this time.
//wants better answer