Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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In Pokebase, it suggests tags that are words from the titles of questions that the site assumes to be related. It does not suggest tags that are words in the question itself. This is very annoying because the tags often have nothing to do with the question that I'm trying to ask.

EDIT: Suggestion: include as many tags as possible that use words that show up in the question title.

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It does…?

Oh wait. I think I've caught your confusion. Do you mean the tags that appear right after you have written the title of the question?

If so, then those are not suggested tags. They are example tags. Unless you type something, that is what is gonna show.
I once had a question about Rotom, and the word "Rotom" was in the title, but it did not suggest a Rotom tag. Instead, there was a Flygon tag, even though the question had nothing to do with Flygon.
They're just examples. Whether they are right or not isn't their purpose. They're only really there for showing novices what people expect in a tag.
Of course it said Flygon. Everything is Flygon if you think hard enough O.o
I asked a question about Smogon tiers and they gave me the 3ds and ingame tags, but neither smogon nor tier showed up.

1 Answer

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This is due to a limitation in the software. It's most likely due to the fact that the title should contain the most appropriate words for the question, while the content of the post can include all sorts of stuff like URLs, Markdown code, or HTML code if the site was using a HTML editor instead of Markdown.

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