Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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Look here for reference.
If you could see my edit history, my post about Lilycove City and Victory Road with an up-vote was once the post about multiple cave rooms containing the same Pokemon. As you scroll down, there's another post about multiple cave rooms containing the same Pokemon, but it was once the post about Lilycove City and Victory Road. The post about multiple cave rooms containing the same Pokemon was up-voted, and the post about Lilycove City and Victory Road was not, and I thought that the post about Lilycove City and Victory Road deserved more attention, so I switched the two posts so that the post about Lilycove City and Victory Road could be closer to the top of the page. Is this allowed? If no, I'll edit it back ASAP.

lol this was just a trick to get people to upvote my post.

1 Answer

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Best answer

If all you did was switched two of your post, then you're fine. Unless you upvoted the first answer yourself with another account you're not breaking any rules.

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