Meta-PokéBase Q&A
4 votes

While there are some good teams on the RMT, there's a lot that make really basic mistakes or have really simple issues that you don't need a whole lot of expertise to fix. I figure if we make certain resources easily accessible to new team makers, poorly made teams are less likely to appear.

Ex: VGC resources

Smogon/Singles in General

Calculator with New Megas

I don't got links for everything so please add more or remove those deemed irrelevant.

edited by
I really like this idea, but I think it would be better to write our own guides, and only use these as references/further reading.
The RMT desperately needs a more specific set of rules. This could be a good springboard into a more organized Battle Subway.
Also, you may find this link helpful as well:
@Flafpert: Why can't we have both?
Some of us aren't sure on that kind of stuff. We all have different ideas. This takes priority, in my opinion anyway, and needs to be implemented first. Also, we can sit and complain about skill gap but we don't seem to be doing much about it ourselves. Maybe we could work on actually answering/editing more questions ourselves? Not taking a jab at anyone in particular btw.
Basically the problem here is that the turning point of the DB which was about a year ago caused somewhat of an exponential increase in users that were obviously new to pokemon. This increase was most likely due to the introduction of XY. With this, the new users started becoming the new generation of the DB. They began to dominate the RMT as well as became the dominant question askers in pokebase. Unfortunately, these inexperienced users began showing their inexperience through RMT. I'll be blunt and say the teams are bad. They are bad not because the users are bad, but because they don't know how to be good. This never used to be a problem before, the XY boom caught the DB off guard. Well its kinda a problem right now, and if something isn't done about it the RMT is gonna be a cancerous section of the DB filled with cancerous content.
^ Agreed.

I know I've only been a user for a few months, but I'd been using the DB as a resource for a year and a half before that. Before the release of Gen VI, around 70% of the RMTs were good and a nice chunk of those were really good, with a lot of thought put into them. Nowadays we have RMTs of in-game teams slapped into VGC, for cryin' out loud. Sometimes I wonder how some of these posts get approved (but I trust the judgement of the Editors and Mods).

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