Meta-PokéBase Q&A
11 votes

I think that after a new user has been on the site for a while their username should be locked and they have to wait for the name changing period like everyone else. As you should know, if a user hasn't posted on Pokebase, Meta, or Battle Subway they can change their username on that part of the site. This ability should be removed or locked after a certain amount of time passes.

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More like a week tbh
Why does it matter?

How often do you care what a 1 month old user's name is anyway?
Because using chat doesn't disable your ability to change your name, people can be annoying there and then change their name to avoid a ban.
I disagree. Every now and then one must try something new. I get that newbies and trolls might abuse this tool, but not letting the older folks around here change their username is kinda oppressive :\
Uh did you read the post? It says older uses would still get to change at the name change period. There is a function in the site that allows new users who haven't posted before to change their name unlimited amounts of times. Posting in chat doesn't disable it. This feature has been abused before, so this is just suggesting a way to cut down the amount of people who don't use it correctly.
I honestly agree with this. It gives people who don't even partake in the site a privilege that no one else has. Not to mention certain users abuse the feature as mentioned in a past post I have made.

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