Meta-PokéBase Q&A
1 vote

2 Answers

7 votes
Best answer

Quite busy at the moment so it will probably be February 1st. Sorry for the delay!

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Oh yay we're having one after all :D
PM is the only one i haven't hugged. *hugs PM*
PM probaly doesnt know you and fells weird about that hug 0.0. Love how he can write that answer and not open the name changes
Lol I agree
Username change when my birthday is coming ,yay!!!!!!?¿¿¡¡
Are you trying to say that name changes is coming in your birthday?Assome blazican.
Can you believe I missed it? Sonovagun, Pokemaster, I always seem to be at the wrong end of the timings. Next time, come straight to my home, for a cup of tea, and tell me exactly when you plan to do stuff, kay? I'll pay for your plane tickets :3
mfw I realise how useless and late this comment is @_@
1 vote

We'll have name changes as soon as Pokemaster logs on. This site is his hobby.
