Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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Like a place you can post a question with pokemon with level and gender and shininess with a moveset of it and others could ask to trade and best anwser could be the trade you take and you can ask for things aswell. Ex: shiny modest abra(m) want:shiny quiet numel. And you could leave your fc somewere aswell and in the question leave he full overview of pokemon(ivs,ability,moves, ext.) and some bad ones (ex:pidgey(m)lv 2 for shiny modest thundurus lv 100)would be banned by mods. And you could take down the post once your done trading. If this could be a thing, it would make dex hunting WAY easier. This is a suggestion that could be a thing if mods like it, and suggestions could be usefull.


1 Answer

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Best answer

Wait for the forum. This would be good there.

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