Meta-PokéBase Q&A
0 votes

Is going to go for a DB theme'd image.

  • 140x44
  • Transparent (Because people seem to forget about this)
  • PNG
  • DB themed

Best one gets Voice on the server.

Congratz to ∞Skynet∞ for winning the contest!

enter image description here

Feel free to hop onto the server and collect your prize!

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Text logo
Where do we submit logo's? (still not sure if I'll do it or not :3)
Leave it as an answer and we can vote on them.
Voice competition..the only second one ever o.O. Not even trying this time, I had to have my logo made by someone else.
Dude I've already got this covered :P

JK ofc

3 Answers

7 votes

Wynaut? No one else seems to want to do this, sooooooooo....

enter image description here

If you want anything changed, just comment and I'll try.

EDIT 1 (as per Mike's suggestion):
enter image description here

Added the word "Showdown" to the bottom and condensed "Database" to "DB." Color scheme remains the same.

Version without the shadow, in case something odd happens.
enter image description here

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Yo, put "PokemonDB Showdown" instead of that, it'll make more sense
I'll work on that
Yeah, Mike has made a good suggestion
Looks sweet
Love them all.
3 votes

Come on people, there needs to be a Scizor in it. :/
I can change the colours really easily if you don't like them.

enter image description here

I think yours is awesome lol XD
best one imo
The position of the face looks weird. Not really position, but the eyes weren't too visible when I first looked at it. Took me a few seconds to realise that was a Scizor...
You're pretty limited with your options with 140x44. Trust me, I tried a ton of other options and this was the best one.
1 vote

enter image description here

Tell me what I can fix, I want suggestions...
And it's transparent now.

I'm not competing for Voice.

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Errm you do realise the background needs to be transparent? Screenshots don't have transparent backgrounds.
I can make backgrounds transparent really easily if you want.
Was talking to Skynet.
I can't - working in MS PP, which has **** transparency options.  I talked to sciz about it; since the background is mono color (white), and that color does not appear anywhere else in the drawing, it is really easy to make it transparent before putting it anywhere else.
I like how everyone with zero upvotes just hid their answers so now mine looks like the worst lol.