Meta-PokéBase Q&A
0 votes

Last week I asked a question on the RMT, and it hasn't been posted, answered, commented on or hidden. I included all six pokemon, movesets, IVs, Items and natures. What happened to it?


1 Answer

1 vote

I found two posts in the history. Both of them were not approved and were rejected in moderation.

  • Your NU team was not approved because it lacked EVs. Assuming that you're playing on Showdown (which you should be if its NU), there is an export button in the teambuilder that allows you to copy the team with all the necessary details required for rating included. Paste it into the RMT section, and the work is done for you, so showing EVs should not be a problem at all.
  • Your post asking if you could make a team with someone was hidden because the section is for rating teams, not building them. If you want to make a team with someone, ask in the chatroom or on the DB Showdown server.

If your post disappears or was never shown, just assume that it was hidden or rejected. In future, if you want to know why your posts were hidden, use this thread here rather making a post about it. Just helps organise the site a bit more :)

If you are unsure about anything, leave a comment. :)
