Meta-PokéBase Q&A
0 votes
Nowhere. We rate teams, we don't make them for you.

2 Answers

3 votes
Best answer

Nowhere. Since it isn't asking a question about Pokemon, it doesn't go on the PokeBase, and it's not rating a team so it doesn't go on RMT. This is the kind of thing you negotiate with people on their walls or via Showdown, you don't need to make a page about it.

This kind of thing may fit in the forum when it goes up, but it has no place in a Q&A, sorry.

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1 vote

The forums, if we ever see them coming.

currently, those questions aren't allowed anywhere on the site, except for the chatroom (which is kind of a viable option but not really).

You can however have someone tutor you and help you make a team, by posting on this thread (read before posting).
