Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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Hey PM! Quite a lot of these are popping up with the base stat and move tutor leaks and ORAS OU becoming available on Showdown. So far a lot of people have been flagging them and hiding them, saying that we should wait until the games are released. Is this what should be happening? Or should they be allowed?

I don't see why there's a problem with ORAS teams, ORAS OU is the biggest meta on PS atm and when the games come out it won't be "ORAS OU" it will just be "OU".
Yeah that's why I'm asking. But it's still an unstable game at the moment, there's a ton of Megas that need to be banned. I use a Weavile or Mamoswine on basically every team because of Salamence and Sceptile.
There's three and a half weeks left, I think they should just be banned since I don't think every single base stat and movepool etc. has been released. (Or I just don't know the extent of this leak, 'cos I don't. I've not heard of this leak at all really)
All the stats have bean leaked, not all the moves.
Maybe keep them on wait until the games release...?
I think they should be kept. ORAS is not far away at all. I don't think they would release any more news. Also, I believe it is a DIRECT remake so pokemon will be in the same place roughly
If there was a Pokebank OU and regular OU ladder almost a year back, I dont see a problem with an "ORAS OU" team.

Sure, the metagame is unbalanced. The metagame was unbalanced a year ago. I dont see the point the statement is supposed to make.

1 Answer

3 votes

I don't see why they aren't considering there is a new metagame based on ORAS. They are allowed.

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