Meta-PokéBase Q&A
1 vote

This way they can seee who's spamming in chat, who scams and who does bad stuff.
Now, I may not be a mod, but it will be a useful thing.

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Maybe they already do this.....?
Pretty some mods have second accounts already.
You just don't know
/me fleez
Is it a good suggestion though?
I think it is a good suggestion, but unless their "New account" could do the same things as a moderator while being a hidden registered user then it won't work, as we could just go to their page. Another things is people may start calling everyone new the bogus account... Features like kicking will also reveal who it is and it'll spread around defeating the purpose.

1 Answer

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Best answer

It isn't like we already do this

If we did do this, then announced it, it would defeat the purpose since people know who we are.

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But you guys have one?
That's a secret :>